London - Paris

Tag: SCC

A week with a 11.11.2020 and a Friday 13th was Going to be Memorable.

Latest news, unless I have missed something : ✅ EU wants to ban encryption, ✅ EDPB published their after SchremsII Supplementary Transfer Measures and Surveillance ✅ EU Commission’s draft Implementing Decision on SCCs ✅Datatilsynet’s accreditation requirements for code of conduct monitoring body ✅EDPS’ opinion on the European Commission’s proposal for temporary derogations of the ePrivacy…
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Schrems-II Invalidation of the Privacy Shield by the ECJ

A major decision issued by the ECJ on Thursday 16th of July invalidated toe Transatlantic data flow agreement between the EU and the US for the second time after the Safe Harbor invalidation by the ECJ. NEW IMPORTANT UPDATE 24th July 2020 – NOYB Next Steps for EU companies & FAQs FISA 702+EO 12333 have…
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