After the storm, here comes the rainbow arch of colours. Data compliance of today will hopefully bring harmony by applying a series of rules and regulations. The new digital world is regulated by the GDPR in the EU with less known several other regulations, the ePrivacy, the PECR, Convention 108, the NIS, the eCommerce Directive, IP laws, ….
We want to help every individual and every organisations to know their rights and liabilities. We want to help you walk trough the labyrinth, under the DATARAINBOW.
We hope you will not see regulations simply as a burden, more as a Fundamental Human Right for individuals bringing better trust for a better business.
Who created DATARAINBOW ?
Tara Taubman-Bassirian
Tara Taubman-Bassirian, LLM, is a French Lawyer based in the UK who has studied private law at the prestigious Paris University Pantheon Assas, before specialising on Computer and Communication Law at Queen Mary at University of London. She has completed for IP Law knowledge with a Harvard University course. She has expertise in areas of privacy, data protection, intellectual property, eCommerce and eReputation. She has made a name for herself in several areas of the world, most notably the UK, France and the US. Languages she practices have helped her to widen her horizon and reach. An early adopter of emerging technologies, Tara makes it her business to understand the challenges presented by regulations in this high connectivity era, which is how she has become a trusted adviser to individuals & businesses navigating legal pathways to justice on the internet. Tara is very active in raising awareness of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) & advising businesses on the compliance requirements. Tara is a member of ICANN’s NCUC . Tara co-founded a Facebook group Fly A Kite with Rebecca Herold, dedicated to eradicating cyber-bullying & improving online security.
Privacy Hero of the Year poll, and the results are in… Tara Taubman-Bassirian is the winner!
(Big thank you to the community of voters for participating in our first ever Privacy Hero of the Year initiative.)
Hopefully you will get a chance to hear from Tara and Philip on upcoming episodes of Rebecca Herold’s radio show, Data Security and Privacy with The Privacy Professor. I’ve extended invitations to each today, so stay tuned for more details.
Tara Taubman-Bassirian: Early adopter learns tech so she can teach others.
For keeping up with news on IT security, Privacy and Online Security, join our Facebook Group Fly A Kite.

Privacy Hero of the Year
Polls, and the results are in… Tara Taubman-Bassirian is the winner! (Big thank you to the community of voters for participating in our first ever Privacy Hero of the Year initiative.)
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