London - Paris

Month: November 2020

Online Platforms and Popular Technologies 2020

Legal and Regulatory Responses to Technology Challenges In Octobre 2020, I participated to this online event organised by the Practicing Law Institute PLI. I participated, along with EU and US experts, on the first panel on E.U. Developments in Platform Regulation. The material remains available on demand until Octobre 2021. I focused on Chapitre V,…
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Liberté d’Expression, Liberté d’Information et la Protection de la Vie Privée

Pourquoi les visages des policiers en action doivent etre floutés S’il est vrai que la liberté d’expression et la liberté d’information sont garantie par la Constitution francaise et la Convention Europeenne des Droits de l’homme, la Protection de la vie privee est tout autant digne d’interet. Quels sont les textes : Ainsi, toute personne, même…
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A week with a 11.11.2020 and a Friday 13th was Going to be Memorable.

Latest news, unless I have missed something : ✅ EU wants to ban encryption, ✅ EDPB published their after SchremsII Supplementary Transfer Measures and Surveillance ✅ EU Commission’s draft Implementing Decision on SCCs ✅Datatilsynet’s accreditation requirements for code of conduct monitoring body ✅EDPS’ opinion on the European Commission’s proposal for temporary derogations of the ePrivacy…
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French DPA CNIL Fined Carrefour for Cookies

The French DPA CNIL finally enforced the law, Carrefour supermarket and Carrefour Bank fined for 2 250 000 euros and 800 000 euros.

Law Firm Internet Security and Data Protection

Mossack Fonseca hack and the Panama Papers scandal should have been a wake up call for all law firms to take clients data security more seriously. Here is Why we Should All Care About Panamapapers even if we have no offshore investment.